The Governing Body
For further information about the work of the Governing body please email the Clerk to Governors at:
The Governing Body committees are:
Leadership and Management
Teaching Learning and Achievement
Ethos Behaviour and Safety
6th Form
The Governing Body of Christ the King Catholic High School and Sixth Form Centre is drawn from the local community. Members are appointed or elected to represent the Archdiocese, the Local Authority, parents and staff.
The Governing Body, which was reconstituted in September 2015, meets in full at least three times a year to review and assess the work of the Governing Body committees who meet at least termly. The governors provide support and advice to the school as well as acting as a ‘critical friend’ who challenges, asks questions and seeks to improve upon ideas and proposals, thereby promoting high standards of achievement, good value for money and a strong community ethos.
The Governing Body has a wide range of skills which help to ensure accountability. Each subject department has a link governor who regularly visits the department and meets with the department Head.
The Governing Body complements and enhances school leadership by providing support and challenge, ensuring that all statutory duties are met.
Certain governors meet termly with the School Council to get the views of students on issues they feel are important to them and the students they represent. Members of the Student Council are also invited to attend certain committee meetings and the termly meeting of Full Governors. These students act as observers and put forward their views.
The members of the Governing Body are as follows
Meet the Governors
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Mr A Rayner
Foundation Chair of Governors
I work for HM Revenue & Customs and joined the Inland Revenue (as it was then) in 1971. I now work part time, so have more time to dedicate to governor duties.
Prior to becoming an elected parent governor in 1994, I had been a Director & the Honorary Treasurer of a Liverpool Arts educational charity for 4 years.
When my 4 year elected term in Christ the King was up, I did not qualify to stand for re-election but was asked back in 2000 to be a Foundation Governor, representing the Archdiocese.
I was elected as Chair of Governors in November 2002 and have been re-elected on a regular basis since then. To provide some continuity of experience in the event of a change of both Chair and Vice Chair, both offices are for a term of 2 years, coming up for re-election in alternate years. My current term of office comes to an end in November 2018.
A system of Link Governors was set up in 2010. This network is over and above the statutory requirement to have named link governors for Special Educational Needs and for Safeguarding. A named Governor is allocated to a specific Department so that they can gain a more in depth of understanding of the educational issues in that Department. As a whole, the Governing Body is more informed about issues on the ground. I am, currently, linked with the RE Department, Film and Media, Art and Music/Performing Arts.
Along with the Chairs of the main committees, I meet with the School Council on a termly basis so that the students can directly discuss issues which they see as important. We then try to facilitate taking these issues forward with the relevant operational people in the school and give feedback at the next meeting with the school council.
My own children attended the school from 1989 to 1998 and my grandson started in Year 7 in September 2013.
If you would like to contact me about something, you can write to me at the school address. I visit the school regularly so correspondence is either passed to me when I visit or forwarded to my home address.
If you would prefer to speak to me, please contact the Clerk to Governors, Mrs D Bernard. If she is not available, please ask to speak to Mrs Greenall, Mr Lancaster’s PA. They will pass a message on and I will try and ring you.
Alan Rayner
Term of Office began 01.11.2000
End of term of office November 2018
Mrs I Macdonald-Davies
Foundation Vice Chair
I am a chartered statistician and spent 30 years in the Civil Service in statistical, IT and project management roles before becoming Deputy Registrar General and moving to Southport. In addition to being a member of the Management Board of the Office for National Statistics and chairing the HR committee, I led the General Register Office (GRO). This included working with Government Ministers and senior members of other organisations (government departments, local authorities and the NHS), leading a team of 3000 staff, direct management of large/complex IT systems, managing teams producing new legislation and dealing with complex casework. Much of the work was under a spotlight as in addition to the registration of current births, marriages and deaths, GRO deals with amending the original records, sale of certificates, adoptions, gender recognition, civil partnerships and registration following surrogacy.
After 11 years as head of GRO, I left the civil service in 2006. Currently I spend most of my time working in the education field, chairing school admission and exclusion appeal panels. I also sit on Sefton Schools Forum as a Governor Representative. I have been a Trustee of a National Charity (Working Families) and I was the Chair of the Independent Monitoring Board at HM Prison at Kennet in Maghull for three years. I was elected Chair of Governors at Linacre Primary in Bootle in 2015 and have been the Local Authority governor since 2007.
My son started at Christ the King in 1998. I became a parent governor at Christ the King in 1999 and subsequently became a foundation governor. My daughter left the school in 2008. I was elected Vice Chair of the Governing Body in 2011.
Term of office began: 07.07.2004
End of term of office 31/08/18
Mr J Lancaster
I am very proud to be Headteacher of Christ the King Catholic High School, a position I have held since 2010. Prior to this I was Deputy Headteacher at All Hallows Catholic High School in Preston for eight happy years. I also worked at Glenburn Sports College, Skelmersdale as Head of Year and Head of Biology. At Cross Hall High school (now Ormskirk School) I undertook a variety of roles including Head of Biology, Assistant Head of Sixth Form and Head of Years 10 and 11. As a teacher I taught Biology and Chemistry GCSE and A Level, GCSE PE and A Level PE (theory). I am happily married with three grown-up children and my family attends Leyland St Mary's Church.
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Mr J Settle
I am a Chartered Civil Engineer and a Chartered Water and Environmental Manager and have
42 years experience within Local Authorities, Consultants and the New Towns covering all aspects of engineering, project management, land development and dealing with land contamination. My final role was as Head of Engineering for the Commission for the New Towns and English Partnerships.
Having been made a Foundation Governor of Christ the King in September 2000 I am currently Vice Chair of the Leadership and Management Committee. Previously I was an Elected Parent Governor when my daughter attended the school. Under the new Link Governor system I am linked with the Science Department.
For many years I was leader of a team of Science and Engineering Ambassadors, professional engineers of various disciplines, under the SETNET programme, providing curriculum support and careers advice to Christ the King and a number of other High Schools in the Southport area.
Since retiring in late 2011, I have taken up a voluntary role within the Sefton Coast Landscape Partnership Scheme working with the National Museums of Liverpool on Archaeology projects.
Term of office began: 01.09.2000
End of term of office 31/08/18
Miss M Parker
Staff Governor
I am the staff Governor at Christ the King. I was a pupil at the school (many years ago!!!) and came back to work here in 1994. I spent 7 very happy years working in the main office and have been in my current position as School Chaplain since December 2000. I am involved in many areas of school life including collective worship, assemblies, Charity co-ordinator, Safeguarding, admissions and primary transition. I have recently completed a Foundation Degree in Pastoral Leadership at Liverpool Hope and I am also a trained Lay Funeral Minister. I am the link governor for non-teaching staff.
Term of office began: 01.01.03
End of term of office 17/07/19
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Dr J Lloyd
Co opted Governor
I’ve been a Governor at Christ the King School since 2012. Each governor acts as a link governor to a particular subject area and I’m currently the link governor for the Sixth Form. All governors are members of smaller committees which feed into the larger governing body and I am Chair of the Teaching, Learning and Achievement Committee which monitors the quality and provision of teaching and learning within the school alongside the achievement and progress of pupils at all levels of study.
As for me - I work in Higher Education as a Lecturer in Creative Writing in the Faculty of English at the Open University. Both of my children went to Christ the King. My son is currently in the Sixth Form and my daughter is now at university in London. Both came to the school from St Teresa’s and Our Lady of Lourdes in Birkdale.
Term of office began: 15.06.2012
End of term of office 01/09/19
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Mrs Carole Baker
Foundation Governor
Although born in Chorley and educated in Wigan I spent the majority of my career teaching GCSE and A level Mathematics in various Schools in London and Sussex. An interest in pastoral care led me to a position as a Head of Year 9 before I became increasingly involved in various aspects of life in a Catholic Boarding School.
After achieving an MA in Education I became the Head of a Catholic 2 – 16 School in West Sussex where I remained for ten years before retiring in 2013. During that time I was an Independent Schools Inspector as well as a Community Governor for a local 11-16 School.
Since retiring my husband and I have helped to look after our granddaughter who joins Our Lady of Lourdes this year. I have also been a Quality Assurance Officer for IStip and visit around 25 Schools each year to ensure that the statutory processes for NQTs are being adhered to as well as offering both the Schools and the NQTs advice and support aimed to ensure a positive start for new entrants to the profession.
Being relatively new to the area I am keen to be involved in some aspects of Catholic life where I hope that I have something to offer.
Term of office began: 05.09.17
End of term of office: 10.09.2021
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Mrs J Hill
Elected Parent
I am an Elected Parent governor having been elected in March 2014. I am a primary school teacher and I sit on the Teaching Learning and Achievement committee along with being a Link Governor for English. I am myself, a past pupil of Christ the King and I have 3 children currently at the school in Years 8, 10 and 13.
Start of term of office: 28.03.14
End of term of office 28/03/18
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Mr J Mendoza
Local Authority
I am a Local Authority governor and have served at Christ the King since December 2014. A teacher by profession I sit on the Teaching Learning and Achievement committee. My teaching experience as a Languages teacher goes back to 1995 when I taught languages for 3 years at the K.G.V. College in Southport.
Since then I have been teaching languages continually in Secondary schools, Sixth forms and Further and Higher Education colleges in the North West.
I am familiar and dealing continually with the up to date Safeguarding issues, and new rules affecting schools and the schools children safety, something that in my view is paramount in today's teaching and learning when dealing with children in schools.
Since I started serving at Christ the King as a governor I have been very impressed by the high teaching standard and well qualified staff at the school, something that no doubt would make any parents very proud to have chosen to have their children attend Christ the King school.
Start of term of office: 04.12.2014
End of term of office 04/12/18
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Fr A Slingo
The son of a carpenter with 5 brothers and sisters and growing up in Hampshire, I enjoyed going to seminary at 19 and leaving at 24 having enjoyed 10 years of finding out about life – and all aspects of it - I knew I was not free from this vocation and was ordained priest in 1985 for the Liverpool diocese.
Having worked in parishes, training for media in London and Radio City Liverpool and having lived in Cathedral and in Leigh, the happiest times of my life have been as Parish Priest in Warrington, Upholland and now Ainsdale.
I hope to make some contribution as a Foundation Governor to Christ the King with a fine bunch of fellow governors…. But the diary is winning so far, so I welcome any help I can get.
Start of term of office: 01.12.2016
End of term of office: 12.12.2020
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Ms S Ellis
Foundation Governor
I am an experienced Operations and Compliance leader. I have spent the best part of my early career working with the retail sector, and latterly with renewable energy projects. I have been a Foundation Governor with Christ the King for some considerable time and both of my children were pupils here until 2016.
Start of term of office: 01.09.2014
End of term of office: 31.08.2018
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Mrs D Coyne
Elected Parent
I have two sons in Year 11 and Year 10 at CTK. As a teacher myself I fully appreciate the pressures faced by schools to achieve high standards and strive for improvement. As a governor I am able to support CTK in decision making regarding resources. I also have a comprehensive insight into the quality assurance procedures used to ensure rigorous tracking and assessment procedures. My sons, with very different personalities, enjoy their time at CTK and feel fully supported and motivated to achieve their full potential.
Start of term of office: 10.06.2016
End of term of office: 12.03.2021
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Mrs L McCormick
Foundation (Parent)
I am a Foundation governor and I Chair the Ethos, Behaviour and Safety committee. I am also a governor at a feeder Infants school where I Chair the Curriculum committee and Vice Chair the Resources committee.
I am active within my Parish and have been elected Vice Chair of the Pastoral Council. I am a qualified Chartered Public Finance Accountant and worked in local government as an auditor and accountant for a number of years. I have two children who attend Christ the King in years 7 and 11.
Start of term of office: 28.07.2011
End of term of office 27/07/18
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T: 01704-565121 F: 01704-550447