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Welcome to Exams 

Welcome to the Exams section. Here we will post information about the school's external exams throughout the year. You can download generic exam timetables, information on Post Results Services and Examination Policies for both GCSE and GCE exams. If you have any queries or problems relating to the external exams please do not hesitate to contact me.

When the exam season is upon us, we all know that this can be a very stressful time for those involved. By giving parents/carers some useful information and outlining some important rules and regulations set by the Exam Board. We hope to make the forthcoming summer exam season as stress-free as possible.

Ms N Magill (Exams Officer - ​

Exam Results

Information for Candidates

JCQCIC – The Joint Council for Qualifications is a membership organisation comprising the seven largest awarding organisations in the UK offering general and vocational qualifications. As well as publishing national GCE and GCSE examination results, it provides a single voice for its members on issues of examination administration and, when appropriate, qualification and wider education policy.

Downloads / Information


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T: 01704-565121 F: 01704-550447

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