Pastoral Care
What is Pastoral Care?
Pastoral Care is concerned with the promotion of pupils' personal and social development and the fostering of positive attitudes. Through the pastoral care arrangements and provision, a school demonstrates its continuing concern for its pupils as individuals, actively encouraging them to be secure, successful and fully participating members of the school and of the wider community. Pastoral Care is also concerned with preparing pupils for the demands and challenges of adult and working life.
Pastoral Care at Christ the King High School
The importance of providing excellent pastoral care and its centrality in the ethos of the school, as shown in our Mission Statement
Pastoral care and the shared values on which it is based are evident in all aspects of the work of the school and are evident in the curriculum, both inside and beyond the classroom, and in daily routines and procedures. In addition:
The formal pastoral structure identifies individuals with specific and specialised roles and responsibilities.
The curriculum, through subjects such as Guidance, encourages pupils to focus on major decisions and their implications, to consider their responsibilities and to take account of their strengths and interests.
The focus on the development of ‘Learning to Learn’ provides practical tools to enable pupils to think independently, make informed choices and act responsibly in today’s world.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance and Learning Guidance reinforces the link between the pastoral and academic life of the school.
The School's extra-curricular programme allow pupils to participate beyond the classroom.
Contact Details
Student Services direct line: 01704 565121 ext 152
Main Reception: 01704 565121
Pastoral and Staff Teams
Senior Leadership Team
Mr Lancaster
Deputy Headteacher/Safeguarding
Ms Stead
Assistant Headteacher
Mr Gadie
Assistant Headteacher
Mr McCourt
Assistant Headteacher
Mr Morgan
Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Oliver
Assistant Headteacher/Head of Sixth Form
Mr Alexander
Stamford Road, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 4EX
T: 01704-565121 F: 01704-550447