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Sixth Form Financial Support

16-19 Bursary Fund


The 16-19 Bursary Fund is for young people who need financial support to stay in education after 16.


There are 2 types of bursary:


A Bursary of £1200 per year for young people who:

  • Are in care or are care leavers, or

  • Are in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit, or

  • Are disabled and in receipt of Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance.




A Discretionary Bursary for young people who are in financial need whose:

  • Annual Household income is less than £21,000 gross p.a. You can apply for support with transport, meals and essential books and equipment needed for your course.



For further details and an application form click Bursary Guidance and Application Form.


Please be aware that the eligibility criteria and amounts payable for the bursary are reviewed on an annual basis and may change from year to year. All current and prospective students will be informed of any changes as soon as they are made.



Application Forms are also available in the Sixth Form Atrium and by email to



Stamford Road, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 4EX



T: 01704-565121 F: 01704-550447

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