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Having a Problem?

If you experiencing a problem viewing this website chances are it is due to your Internet Browser. This website is written in a Language called HTML5. We did this to allow better interaction with devices such as mobile phones and Ipads.

You can 'upgrade' your Internet Browser, we have tested the website on Internet Explorer 11 (Microsoft), Safari, Mecury and Firefox.

If your background is 'black' then you are probably using Internet Explorer 8, we suggest you upgrade to Internet Explorer 11.

If you are experiencing problems with opening some of our downloadable files (pdfs) then you probably need Adobe Reader.

If you cannot connect to our Access24 system you may be using an incompatible device. Access24 is specifically designed to work with Windows and Internet Explorer. You may find some Apple Mac software which in some cases can be configured to work but this really does depend on other factors such as IOS release and any updates that may or may not have been applied.

We are currently developing a new Access24 system which will be completely Internet Browser based, thus improving the compatibility with other operating systems and other manufacturers such as Apple .

Useful links


Stamford Road, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 4EX



T: 01704-565121 F: 01704-550447

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