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Community and Extended School

At Christ the King, we see this as a key way of delivering the Every Child Matters outcomes. We work with the local authority, local providers and other schools to provide access to a core offer of extended services.

There is a varied menu of activities (including study support, play/recreation, sport, music, arts and crafts and other special interest clubs, volunteering and business and enterprise activities), these all take place in a safe environment for your child.

Other services include:

• parenting support including family learning
• swift and easy access to targeted and specialist services such as speech and language therapy
• community access to facilities including adult learning, ICT and sports facilities.


These will often be provided beyond the school day but not necessarily by teachers or on the school site.

We also offer a range of coffee mornings and forums that enable parents of all year groups the opportunity to come into Christ the King and speak to relevant key members of staff.

Thank you once again for your continued support!

Schedule and Links


Stamford Road, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 4EX



T: 01704-565121 F: 01704-550447

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