Safeguarding Team
Following the retirement of Mr Morrissey we would like to introduce the school’s new safeguarding team. These members of staff are available to support the safety and wellbeing of all pupils and students in school.
Ms A Stead – Deputy Headteacher – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr D Morgan – Assistant Headteacher – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Maria – School Chaplain – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs A Ashton – Pastoral Support, Attendance and Welfare Officer
Details of all safeguarding incidents that have been reported to the police and sent to us via Sefton or reported by our own pupils will be uploaded onto our website at the earliest possible opportunity. Parents will be texted accordingly to alert you to this. We feel it is our duty to pass on this information to you.
National Safeguarding Issues
Extremism and Radicalisation
We are working closely with the Local Authority to ensure that our staff and pupils are fully aware of the rapidly developing areas of extremism and radicalisation. This is a national initiative being driven from the Government and we have a duty to make all stakeholders aware of this potentially worrying aspect of our society. This work has led to us developing a range of age appropriate lessons that our learners in school will engage in during their Guidance programme.
As parents you may feel that you require further information and/or guidance in this area. The following websites provide relevant and useful information and guidance on the Government’s ‘Prevent Strategy’.