Sports Day Arrangements
Dear Parent/Carer
Christ the King Sportsday has been organised this year for Thursday 16th July. In the event of poor weather then it will be rearranged for the next day, Friday 17th July. As with previous years the day will be a mufti day for all students, who are encouraged to come to school wearing the colours of their house. House colours are as follows:
P & J – Clitheroe (Yellow)
D & T – Rigby (Green)
G & E – Barlow (Blue)
V & L – Arrowsmith (Red)
All pupils will be involved, either competing for or supporting their house. The event will start at 11.45pm, and pupils will finish in time for the buses at 3.05pm. Lunch will be brought forward to ensure all students have the opportunity to have lunch before Sports day begins.
The weather forecast for Thursday 16th July is fine, at the moment, but please keep an eye on the forecast for the day and send pupils in prepared with caps, sunscreen, water etc. There will be the opportunity to purchase water throughout the day. In the event of cancellation then students will follow their normal timetable for the day.
Yours sincerely
Mr M Critchley
Head of PE