Safeguarding Alert (email from Formby High School)
We would like you to be aware of an incident that occurred yesterday evening. Two male students on bikes were approached by three males in a gold/bronze Citroen car in the Barkfield Road Area of Formby. The passenger in the back seat of the car opened his door and called over one of the boys. The boys responded very sensibly and left the scene quickly.
Police are aware of the situation and we have spoken to all students about our concerns.
Our advice to students remains as follows:
• Avoid quiet areas, especially secluded footpaths
• If you see anything which makes you feel uncomfortable, then make your way quickly to a public place.
• Use your mobile phone to contact home, school or the Police.
• If necessary, return to school.
Whilst we do not wish to overly concern students, we do recommend that this is discussed at home and a common sense approach to personal safety is adopted.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs K Blanchard
Designated Safeguarding Lead Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning)
Tel: 01704 835650