Headteacher's Blog
Welcome to the May edition of my Headteacher's blog.
Parents of children in Years 10, 11 and Sixth Form will know that the summer examination season is underway and, as usual, our Examinations Officer (Naomi Magill) has everything well under control. Year 11 and 12 pupils began their study programme on Friday 8 May and we wish all our pupils the very best of luck in their forthcoming exams.
On 29 April we held a Leavers’ Mass for Year 11 pupils celebrated by Fr Phil Gregory, and on 1 July they will be having a leavers’ assembly where they will be treated to a presentation of photographs of their time at Christ the King, from their Year 6 taster days to now. This is always a special occasion, thanks to the hard work of Maria Parker who organises the assembly, collects all the photos over the years and puts them together into a wonderful Powerpoint.
On 5 May we were visited by some Norwegian guests, which was organised by Miss Calvignac. It was interesting to discover the differences between their educational system and ours. They spoke to our exchange students and asked them what they liked most about Christ the King and they all replied “the teachers”! This is very heart-warming and testament to the hard work our staff put in to making our foreign visitors feel welcome and part of our community.
To mark the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, Mr Bates arranged for the Royal British Legion to come into school for a very moving service which was conducted next to our large poppy at the front of school. The bagpipes played while some of our pupils took part in readings and the last post was played on the bugle. This was a very befitting event for such an important tribute to our soldiers in WW2. “Lest we forget”.
On 15 May we assisted Queenscourt Hospice by providing refreshments for the Star Trekk participants who started their moonlight sponsored walk from Southport Pleasureland at 9.30 pm. They walked 7 miles through Birkdale village, passing the Lights of Love at Queenscourt Hospice and returning to Pleasureland through the town centre. Christ the King is happy to support the good work of this wonderful charity.
Many of you will know that Mr Morrissey will be retiring at the end of this academic year after 38 years’ service at Christ the King. This will be a very sad occasion for staff and pupils, past and present, and he will be greatly missed. However, I am delighted to announce that we have made two new Deputy Headteacher appointments and I wish Ms Stead and Mr Halsall all the very best in their new roles starting in September.
Wishing you all a very happy (and hopefully sunny) Spring bank holiday. Pupils return on Monday 1 June (Week A) at the usual time of 8.40 am.
James Lancaster