Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme News
As the long sun-filled days stretch in front of us, or one hopes they do, it can mean only one thing! The DofE expedition season is upon us (although in reality it generally means days full of wind and rain and sunshine and occasionally frost, as Crowded House would have once entertained us with!)
All Award participants should have now received letters with the necessary information regarding their own expedition dates and costs, as well as a link to the most up-to-date DofE recommended kit list. The expedition costs need to be paid by the date referenced in their letter and can be paid by cash, cheque or our ParentPay facility. Any participant who has not received their letter needs to see Mr J Wilson (Maths) as soon as possible. Expedition group lists also need to be passed to Mr Wilson as soon as possible, if not already done so.
The actual expedition dates for your diaries are as follows:
Friday 26th to Sunday 28th June:
Silver Practice – Longridge/Ribchester (Yr11)
Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th July:
Bronze Practice – Longridge/Ribchester (Yr10)
Friday 10th (noon) to Tuesday 14th July:
Gold Qualifying – Lake District (Yr13)
Saturday 11th to Monday 13th July:
Silver Qualifying & Gold Practice – Lake District (Yr11 & Yr12)
Saturday 18th to Monday 20th July:
Bronze Qualifying – Longridge/Ribchester (Yr10)
Any questions then please contact me at school.
Mr John Wilson (DofE Award Scheme Coordinator)