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Anglo-Norwegian Day at Christ the King High School

On Tuesday 5th May, Christ the King High School hosted six Norwegian career advisors who came to gain some insight into our education system, our support facilities and the role of the careers advisors in the school as well as the experience of our Y12 Norwegian exchange students in England.

The day began with a meeting with the Headteacher, Jim Lancaster and the Mentor of the exchange students, Miss Calvignac. This was followed by a tour of the school.

The group then had a meeting with Mrs Stead (Head of Sixth Form), Simon Blundell – (Careers Advisor and Sixth Form Academic Coach). The school’s support mechanisms for our Y12 exchange students was discussed as well as the support and guidance that the careers advisor offers.

This was followed by a coffee break before the Norwegian group met with the Norwegian exchange students who are currently studying at Christ the King High School:

Kaja Winterthun, Johanne Golf, Torbjoern Enoksen Guro Mathiassen, and Oda Pedersen

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