Headteacher's Blog
Welcome to the February edition of my Headteacher's Blog. It may be cold outside but we haven’t let the winter months slow us down at Christ the King. Here are some of the trips and events that have taken place this half term:
All Year 8 pupils took part in One World Day where they spent the day with our RE Department focusing on world issues.
On 9 January Mr Callow and Miss O’Brien took our Sixth Form Art students to the Tate Liverpool.
Introducing Oxbridge workshop for Year 12 followed by an Oxbridge information evening for parents on 20 January
On 6 February Mr Short, Ms Watkinson and Mrs Magill took 28 lucky pupils on a four-day trip to Italy where they visited some fascinating sites including Pompeii, Mount Vesuvius, an amphitheatre, Lake Avernus and Sorrento.
A busy day on 11 February when Miss Stock takes Year 13 students on a Pans Labyrinth Film Study Day, Mrs King takes some of our sixth formers to Manchester and Mr Hemsley is going to Cambridge with Year 12 students for a Physics taster day.
Taster Sessions On 12 January Year 11 pupils sampled life as a CTK sixth former. Our current sixth formers were dismissed for the day so that Year 11 pupils could use their communal areas and attend taster lessons of their choice. At the end of January our Year 9 pupils took part in Options week where they sampled GCSE lessons to assist them in selecting their options for Year 10.
Parents’ Meetings Year 10 parents were invited in for parents’ evening on 15 January. Mr Hemsley and the Science team held a GCSE Science Information Evening for Year 10 parents on 3 February. Year 8 parents’ evening took place on 4 February.
Wishing everyone a happy and restful half term break. Pupils return on Monday 23 February, which is a WEEK B.
James Lancaster