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Welcome to our Guidance programme here at Christ the King Catholic High School. We operate a programme which provides lessons in six key areas; each delivered by a team of specialist teachers. These areas are designed to address topical issues relating to today’s youth and thus prepare them for life as a student and beyond.


The guidance groups include; PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education), Economics and Enterprise, Learn to Learn, Citizenship, CIAG and Year 7. All of the groups, with the exception of Year 7 are delivered to Year groups 8-11 inclusive. Pupils are taught on a two week cycle whereby they receive one guidance lesson delivered to their form groups; this is then supplemented throughout the year with assemblies and outside speakers. To discover more regarding the teams and what content they deliver please click on the associated links.  

We assess pupils formally on a yearly basis and on some occasions throughout the year.   


Mrs V O’Connor-Green – Guidance Coordinator

Year 7

Guidance is mostly delivered to Year 7 form classes by their form teachers.  It covers relevant topics such as; New School Anxieties (starting secondary school being a big step, we recognise this and try to alleviate any worries they may have pertaining to this), Ready to Learn (ensuring pupils are equipped and understand what is required of them), Child protection, Radicalisation & Extremism and Internet Safety. A complete list of the lessons/topics covered is available via our Guidance timetable.


Personal, Social and Health Education, as this suggests is based on the healthy aspects of life and also issues which are pertinent in today’s society. Such topical issues include; Knife crime, Child sexual exploitation and Forced marriages. These lessons also focus on forging healthy relationships, the effects of smoking, First Aid and Sex Education. Please refer to the guidance timetable for further information regarding lessons.


The aim of this group is to prepare our pupils for extended study or work. Lessons focus on preparing a curriculum vitae, interview techniques, applications for college and further study, careers guidance, the Labour market, your rights as an employee, making the right choices and employability skills. For further information on the topics covered please refer to the guidance timetable.   



Our Citizenship group prepares our pupils for becoming valued members of society and contributing towards it. Topics covered include Radicalisation & Extremism, Volunteering, Rights & Responsibilities, the Electoral system, Human Rights and the law. Many more topics are addressed, please refer to the guidance timetable for more information.


Economics & Enterprise

These lessons aim to assist pupils with learning about monetary issues, they prepare them for opening the correct bank accounts to calculating APR and understanding how it works. Pupils are taught about stocks & shares, pensions and loans. The enterprise aspect is delivered via a series of lessons including; marketing, consumer rights, the Economy & Sweatshops and the household. Our guidance timetable can be referred to for further information.


Learn to Learn

Learn to Learn provides pupils with the tools to assist their revision and time management; invaluable skills when preparing for examinations. Pupils are taught to appreciate different learning styles, self-assessment, resilience, working with others and higher order thinking skills. Together, these and more contribute to the pupil’s wellbeing and preparation, reducing anxiety during examination periods.   


Programme - Click to enlarge


Stamford Road, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 4EX



T: 01704-565121 F: 01704-550447

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