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Citizenship & British Values

School Mission Statement - To grow, learn, serve and pray in a Catholic community inspired by the Gospel message, enabling all to realise their unique hopes and potential.

Here at Christ the King we firmly believe in a community inspired approach to learning and spiritual development where all people are valued and all are allowed to develop their potential.

School Motto - Christus Rex Cum Virtute Agere – (Christ the King, with the power to act) We believe that the example of Christ, and His willingness to act and stand up for others is part of our approach to our school community, our local community, our national community and our global community. 

Citizenship Mission Statement - At Christ the King we believe that all pupils should respect themselves and others. Pupils should be Citizens not just of their school and local communities, but national and global Citizens. Our young people should be aware of the nature of being a Citizen of the United Kingdom and actively seek to make the world a better place through Active Citizenship.

What is Citizenship and what are British Values? Why is it important?


The current Department of Education information on the promotion of Citizenship (2013) attempts to ensure that all pupils in UK state schools are taught about - and develop skills surrounding - British Citizenship. This builds upon earlier themes such as the 2008 National Curriculum identification of ‘Britain’s social diversity’ as part of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education and the 2011 Teachers’ Standards pointing out that teachers should maintain high standards in the promotion of key British values such as democracy and religious tolerance.


In agreement with the Citizenship and British Values guidance we at Christ the King believe that British Citizenship and British Values point towards the following: -


  • a knowledge of how the UK is governed, how democracy works and how Citizens participate

  • a knowledge and understanding of the role of law and justice

  • a commitment to volunteering and Active Citizenship

  • an ability to critically debate issues and arguments

  • the awareness to manage money on a day-to-day basis, and to plan for the future in financial terms






Delivery of Citizenship and British Values


The first four aspects above are covered by the Citizenship team across 13 – 15 lessons over the academic year that form part of the Guidance Programme which is taught for one lesson every two weeks each Monday morning. Teachers select which part of the guidance programme they wish to be attached to resulting in enhanced motivation and a keen interest in the subject. The lessons are taught to Key Stages 3 and 4 pupils. Pupils have folders with a Citizenship section inside (green paper is used for all Citizenship materials). The financial delivery of Citizenship is provided separately by another aspect of the Guidance Programme here at Christ the King (Economics and Enterprise).


Topics Covered within discrete Citizenship lessons


  • democratic government in the UK including the role of Citizens

  • the operation of Parliament and elections

  • how different electoral systems work, and also other types of government

  • liberties of Citizens

  • the nature of the justice system and how it deals with problems

  • role of public institutions and voluntary groups

  • international governance and human rights

  • diversity and the need for mutual respect and understanding

  • Active Citizenship


Skills Developed


  • an ability to research and gather evidence

  • an ability to debate and use evaluation

  • take informed action regarding issues of concern or interest


In 2014 the Department for Education attempted to consolidate Citizenship with a ‘Promotion of British Values’. This is similar to the Citizenship document from 2013 but with an additional focus on religious freedom as protected by law.


Radicalism and Extremism


At Christ the King Catholic High School the Citizenship Programme examines the importance of religious freedom and diversity in the United Kingdom. We feel that we can provide a balanced curriculum that discourages racist and anti-minority aggression and discrimination that are promoted in the media by pressure groups. As a Catholic School we adopt an inclusive approach to religious belief and provide compulsory Religious Studies education that looks at Christianity and other world religions in a balanced way, learning about religion and from religion. Active Citizenship and an understanding of the UK political system is also important in order to provide pupils with the skills to recognise extremism in all its forms. Any concerns would be noted by staff and acted upon according to school policy, informing appropriate stakeholders including the Police. This would be of particular importance with regard to those who may be prone to leaving the country to join radical military groups in other countries. It is also noted that a lot of extremism does arise from issues of genuine concern and it is important that we discuss these issues openly to encourage critical debate. We deliver lessons on this topic to Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 as part of our Citizenship programme


Other Aspects of Citizenship and British Values


  • There is a wide coverage of Citizenship across a number of different curricular subjects.


  • RE is taught across Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. At KS3 components include ethical decisions, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam, development education and the study of key inspirational leaders from a variety of cultures. At GCSE RE at Key Stage 4, all pupils follow a course that includes modules on Community Cohesion, and the study of two major world religions (Christianity and Islam). Sixth Form General RE Level 2 and 3 NOCN RE is provided at Key Stage 5 which also provides the opportunity to study Ethical theory, Holocaust, World Religions and Medical Ethics. Students are able to choose to study A Level Philosophy and Ethics in Years 12 and 13. Components include Ethical theories and their practical applications to a number of situations including medicine and Philosophy of Religion.


  • Our Head of Science led a “British values” project across 38 schools in the Archdiocese. There will be a survey of pupils followed by cluster meetings and a conference where findings relating to how pupils consider British Values based on what the pupils think and how they would like it to be taught. This is an exciting and informative ‘bottom up’ investigation leading to further action not just in the archdiocese but also nationally.


  • We have developed Citizenship Competencies and Pledges for pupils to work towards in their journals and Citizenship folders.  This is a joint project with SMSC to develop a series of pledges that promote competencies and encourage participation amongst pupils in the school. 


  • Government and Politics and Law AS and A2 are delivered at Key Stage 5. There is an annual visit to the Houses of Parliament as part of the Sixth Form London Trip. This is open to pupils from other subjects too.


  • We also offer GCSE and A level in Economics as an option subject alongside the “Economics and Enterprise” guidance lessons which all pupils follow.


  • We have a democratically elected Pupil Council who meet regularly, as well as a Sixth Form Council and Leadership Group. The Head of Citizenship has been working with the Pupil Council in particular to establish links with local Food Banks and also to raise the profile of Child Labour as an international issue (The Religious Education Department, in tandem with school Chaplaincy, run a Fair Trade stall that sells a range of items).


  • Local MP John Pugh visited school to participate in a Question and Answer session with the School Council, Sixth Form Leadership and Council, Government and Politics Students, and other interested parties. Over 50 pupils were in attendance and as a result of the interest generated, we have established work experience links with John Pugh’s office this year. Additionally, Jo Swinson, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Women and Equalities visited the school later in the year to talk about women and politics. Richard Hands, local councillor is due to pay a visit to the school in the near future.


  • There were assemblies on the topic of the General Election a few weeks before the General Election in May and we held a mock school election. Sixth Formers represented each of the main political parties. Everyone in the school was eligible to vote.


  • Our annual awards evening is an extremely important event in the life of the school, involving hundreds of pupils and attracting an audience of over 1,400. Students receive an array of awards and certificates within a programme of events that displays a wide variety of talent. We will establish a new awards this year to reflect and promote British Values and Citizenship.


  • We have annual visits from Parliament UK outreach to do assemblies with Year 11, Year 9 and workshops with the Year 12 and 13 Government and Politics groups.


  • In the summer term, we hold ‘Citizenship’ days where classes in Years 7, 8 and 9 have Citizenship themes in all their lessons for one morning once a year.


  • Individual liberty and responsibility are covered under our E-Safety training, which is provided through Guidance lessons.


  • In March 2015 a group of pupils from the Pupil Council and local Primary schools were involved in a “clean up” at Bedford Park, which is close to the school.


  • There will also be a ‘speed dating’ pupil voice event later this year run by Ms Jamil. This will involve local councillors, governors and SLT. Pupils will be discussing Citizenship related issues.


  • Our SMSC policy has been recently reviewed together with the opportunities that are made available to pupils and students to engage in SMSC. The governing body of the school and students have taken a keen role in this process. (see SMSC Policy). Recently this has led to further development of opportunities for our pupils and students including:


  • A residential Year 8 three day retreat, with more opportunities being developed

  • SMSC themed learning opportunities across the curriculum

  • A review of the resources for prayer, worship and assemblies that aids active participation

  • A bucket list series of pledges for Year 7 pupils to encourage their participation, available via their school personal journal (see relevant pages)

  • A series of themed SMSC curriculum days for year groups in which all their lessons have a SMSC focus within the relevant subject area. The year 9 day at Easter was designated with a British Culture theme. Meetings were held with relevant departments and teachers and resources/topics discussed.



Active Citizenship




The school supports the local Hospice Queenscourt as its main charity. We have also supported international charities. We have raised close to £76,000 in recent years.


Wider Participation


We currently audit our Yrs 7-13 pupils and students in order to encourage wider participation and develop new potential areas for pupils and students to become involved. These maybe in-house opportunities or events and societies etc that exist in the local community. (See participation audit - desktop)


Clubs and Activities Outside School – these are activities that some of our pupils take part in outside school


  • Scouts, Altar Server, Fitness/Gymnasium

  • Sailing Clubs, Air Cadets, Tennis Club

  • Horse Riding, Dance Club, Southport District Angling Club

  • Army Cadets, Cricket Club, Southport Rugby Club

  • Gymnastics Club/Group, Athletics Club, Mountain Biking Club

  • Swimming Club, Squash Club, Sefton Rugby Club

  • Golf Club, Guides, Sea Cadets

  • Charity Work, Church Folk Group/Choir

  • Sea Scouts, Children’s Liturgy helper

  • Football, Swimming Club




Sports Leaders


Consistently every year we have 2 full groups of Sports Leaders in year 10 who pick this option as part of their Games course.  Mrs Hamilton, Miss Plummer and Mrs Summers White lead the lessons for both boys and girls.


We have had up to 50 pupils per cohort studying for the Level 1 qualification in Sports Leadership from Sports Leader UK but more often there's approximately 35-40 pupils successfully gaining this qualification every year.


Pupils undertake a course that involves theoretical lessons to learn about the skills, qualities and responsibilities of successful sports leaders, how to plan, deliver and review sports sessions, health and safety, behavioural management, how to be fair, how to motivate etc.


They then host up to 6 sessions here at CTK during their Games lessons when local primary schools visit us for their PE lesson and our Sports Leaders run a multi-activity circuit and give out medals etc.


They also visit the local primary schools in their own time on a Wednesday afternoon to run after-school clubs at our feeder schools in their assembly hall, playground or grassed areas.


Our leader's year culminates in them planning, running, hosting and officiating at the Our Lady of Lourdes' Sports Days (2 separate events for KS1 and KS2) at Christ the King in the summer term as OLOL does not have any outside space at their school.


Additionally, last year, Mrs Hamilton successfully led a small group of sixth formers to achieve the Level 3 qualification in Sports Leadership


Sixth Form Volunteering and Trips


A member of staff monitors and organises all the volunteering and trips completed by Sixth Formers, which is wide-ranging and comprehensive. This covers exercises both within school and in the local community.


One of the options available for Sixth Formers is the National Citizenship Service. Some students have been volunteering to work with Food Banks and Toy Appeals for families that are struggling. This involves meeting people, completing residentials activities, visiting Liverpool University, and taking social action like raising money and awareness. These students have also taken part in assemblies in school sharing their understanding and experiences with other pupils.


Duke of Edinburgh Scheme


Close to 150 pupils took part in the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme at the school in the 2013/14 year. As part of this Scheme students are expected to participate in voluntary work within school or outside of school. Internally this is done through such activities as helping at after school clubs, doing paired reading with Year 7 pupils and after school sport coaching and a host of others. Many students volunteer their time in a variety of ways including supporting the Salvation Army, handing out leaflets for the British Heart Foundation, Army Cadet Force and assisting at local hospices such as Queenscourt.



Mentoring and Coaching


At the school Well-Being Coaching is provided for staff as part of Continuing Professional Development provision. Additionally we provide Sixth Form students with coaching and mentoring training to assist them with their studies help develop their general life skills. We also now have two full time Academic Coaches who help pupils in lower school with their studies, in particular with Pupil Premium and vulnerable children and those who need extra support.


Summative statement


Active Citizenship is part of the fabric at Christ the King School. Christus Rex Cum Virtute Agere – Christ the King, with the power to act


Stamford Road, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 4EX



T: 01704-565121 F: 01704-550447

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